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Become an Election Worker (Poll Worker)

Voting is one of our nation's oldest and most important rights. With this right comes responsibility. Free and open elections are the basis on which this country was formed. You can make a difference by becoming an elections inspector to help protect those freedoms.

Possible Working Days?
Primary Day, Election Day in November, Special Elections (if any), Early Voting, and one training seminar each year.

What tasks will you perform as a Poll Worker?

  • Prepare the polling place for voting
  • Set up the voting equipment
  • Process the voters
  • Demonstrate voting procedures to the voters
  • Assist voter if requested
  • Close the polling place
  • Canvass and report the results

You are eligible to serve as a Poll Worker if you are a registered voter and a resident of Erie County.

Will you be paid?

$250 – Election Day

$156.20 – Early voting weekday

$140.58 – Early voting weekend

$25 – Training class

The Board of Elections is committed to fulfilling its responsibility to the citizens of New York State by providing fair and accurate elections. This responsibility, and the credit associated with it, must be shared with the many dedicated workers that help make elections successful. You can get involved and become a proud participant in a process that is the foundation of democracy in our county.

Come work with us. Click here to apply to be an inspector

Click to view the Election Day Instruction Manual